To learn oratory is not easy. This is due to the fact that the oratorical skill involved a lot of skills that a speaker should have. One way to master some of these skills is to learn well-known speeches. Analyzing examples of masters of rhetoric you can get something useful for yourself This page contains some famous performances by well-known speakers. The purpose of this collection is to provide the most interesting and comprehensive information to people who study eloquence. Initially, we do not aim to make an article in the style of the top 10, so this page will always be available for changes and additions. In addition, you can also participate in its content by writing to us in the comments below or through the feedback form.
Famous performances
If you have not seen the performance of the famous pastor Martin Luther King, you can start your study of examples of oratory skills with his magnificent speech "I have a dream". This speech he delivered on August 28, 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March to Washington for jobs and freedom. And it is perhaps one of the most famous speeches, if not all times, then at least the 20th century.
Getting acquainted with the life of Abraham Lincoln, you get the impression that you are watching a film about the unprecedented rise of a man that became possible thanks to the selfless labor and service of the idea. The son of a poor farmer, who only went to school for one year, independently studied and passed the exams for a lawyer's license, and was later elected president of the United States. But even this fades against the backdrop of the role played by this man in history. Lincoln led the struggle of the North against slavery, and the victory of the Union in the Civil War put an end to this shameful phenomenon. In those years, he proved to be not only a great politician, but also a skilled speaker. Speaking at the opening of the soldiers' cemetery in Gettysburg, the speech became one of the most famous in the world practice. This performance is an excellent example of rhetorical art, taking place on the list of the 10 greatest speeches of all time according to the magazine "Time"
Churchill played with words and meanings like Vivaldi with the sound of a violin. He was eloquent, witty, pegged, rude, weighing every word or talking recklessly. The epistolary heritage of this great man amazes, and much of what he said became aphorisms and is now published in separate editions. Most of us only know about Churchill's Fulton speech, while the greatest Briton in history made several famous speeches, which are an example of oratory and inspire thousands of people. It is possible that such speeches in Winston Churchill are even greater than those of other famous people. They are all different - some he read on the radio, others spoke before graduates of colleges and schools, one - half an hour, others - for a couple of suggestions. But there is something unifying, something that characterizes other well-known performances, something that dwarfs artistic beauty. Depth. According to witnesses of contemporaries during the war, life in Britain during the radio addresses of Churchill practically died down. Children and adults, young and old, gathered at the receivers. His speeches not only inspired hope, they became a kind of ritual. The history does not know such examples, and this makes it obligatory to get acquainted with at least part of the legacy of the British Prime Minister.